Sunday, February 28, 2021

Rare Disease Day

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is a fairly common congenital anomaly but did you know that is also classified as a rare disease?

CDH International has worked with 100’s of other rare disease charities for years to give all of our patients a louder voice.

Please join us this year and wear your stripes to help raise awareness. Please tag us on social media and use the hashtags #rarediseaseday2021, #cdhawareness and #cdhisraretoo

From NORD (the National Organization of Rare Disorders):

Did you know?

  • Any disease, disorder, illness or condition affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the United States is considered rare.
  • There are 7000 rare diseases
  • It’s estimated that (almost 1 in10) have rare diseases.
  • 90% of rare diseases are without an FDA approved treatment.

The purpose of Rare Disease Day is to harness the creativity and energy of the millions of people around the world with rare diseases – and the millions who care about and assist them – to raise awareness and generate action. Together we can accomplish that goal. For inspiration on how to get involved in Rare Disease Day, take a look at the examples of past events.

The zebra is the official symbol of rare diseases in the United States and is noted for its black and white stripes, which are central to its uniqueness. Everyone has his/her own stripes, those characteristics that make each individual distinct. While each of the more than 7,000 rare diseases are unique, there are many commonalities that unite the rare disease community. In the spirit of raising the profile of the rare disease community at large and celebrating Rare Disease Day, this year NORD will promote specific ways that individuals, organizations and groups can show their stripes.

Learn more at NORD’s Web Site.

Also, I learned about the Twitter hashtag #RareDiseaseTruths and shared some tweets.. cried over some tweet that patients shared.

Normally, I would be lobbying for rare disease in Washington DC this week.  Surrounded by other patient advocates from all across the rare disease spectrum and meeting with our Representatives and Senators.

But Covid.


So today, everything is virtual and I am bopping between 4 different events.   It was very bad planning have all these major events on the same days at the same time.  I hope the community can coordinate better next year as I really don't want to miss anything!

In DC, or with the many rare disease alliances that CDHi belongs to... I represent Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.   And we belong to a lot.

But I am also a founding member of the Rare Advocacy Movement (RAM).   I am so proud of this group.   Started just 3 years ago and so many of the advocates have grown so much thanks to the relationships and connections made in the group.  

So since I couldn't with these incredible people today fighting for the patients on the Hill... here are some photos from a few years ago and even a photo of me on the secret, underground Congressional train...

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What is Rare Disease Day?

Rare Disease Day is almost here! Rare Disease Day is an annual international observance held on the last day of February (February 28th or 2...